Follow live the Mass of beatification of John Paul II here.
More than a million pilgrims gathered in Rome to attend the ceremony. Throughout the city, are displayed portraits of John Paul II. This Sunday, the charismatic leader of the Catholic Church between 1978 and 2005, was beatified at the Vatican. The Mass was presided by Benedict XVI on the Place Saint-Pierre. A tapestry bearing an effigy of Pope John Paul II was held on the facade of the basilica and a reliquary containing a vial of his blood presented to the faithful.After Mass, the faithful will file past the coffin containing the remains of the former pope, placed before the main altar of the basilica.
"We welcome the desire of our brother, many other brothers in the episcopate and many faithful, after receiving notice of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (...), accept that the venerable servant of God John Paul II, pope, to be declared blessed, "said Benedict XVI.
For the occasion, giant screens were erected on the main square in the Vatican as well as several surrounding plazas - so that the faithful could follow the ceremony.Some 86 official delegations, including 22 Heads of State and Government attending the event. The head of the French government, Francois Fillon, as Interior Minister, Claude Gueant, also made the trip.
The miracle of Sister Marie Simon-Pierre
To recap, the process of beatification of John Paul II was opened by his successor, Pope Benedict XVI in June 2005, two months after his death. It ended in January 2011. This procedure did not place too quickly. Her beatification - not to be confused with canonization (see box) - was made possible through the recognition of a miracle.This miracle was experienced by a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, two months after the death of the pontiff.
Severely affected Parkinson's disease - also suffered by the deceased pope - for several years, the religious of the Congregation of Little Sisters of Catholic motherhood was miraculously healed after praying to John Paul II. The night after the prayer, the nun got up. His steps are then more confident, she feels no more pain, for the first time in several months. "I felt completely transformed.I was not the same inside, "she confided in 2007.
On the eve of the beatification, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre gave his testimony during a vigil in the Circus Maximus, a vast green area located in central Rome. Some 200,000 people attended. "Thanks to all young people, John Paul II, who sees you from up there is happy," said the French sister, who told how she was miraculously cured of Parkinson's disease through the intercession of Pope died ."A pastor after God's heart, near the lowest of the patient, the smallest," she said. "A political act"
Marco Tosatti, Vatican expert for the processions of the faithful who flocked to Rome for the beatification are an expression of the exceptional popularity of John Paul II. Polish origin, he was in turn actor, poet, laborer. "John Paul II was a secular priest now. Under his pontificate, the laity were finally recognized," says the Vatican.
But his ideology was far removed from the concerns of society and religious views (more liberal) many Catholics - especially on the issue of divorce and homosexuality.On the merits, not much has changed in the Church post-John Paul II. The beatification of Pope so popular is an opportunity for the Catholic Church, to say the same inflexibility. "This is a political act", says Frederic Lenoir, philosopher, sociologist and historian of religions, in "The World of Religions".